innovation, time, opportunity

Companies use packaging to defines their products’ identity. You are the partners that we’re looking for in order to change the world of food packaging. EcoDu’s line differentiates your offerings by giving you a competitive advantage that is both sustainable and profitable.


Whether small or large, optimizing your storage and warehouse space is the key to true efficiency. EcoDu’s line is compact and, for many products, able to reduce by up to 50% the space required as compared to equivalent products.


Time is an indispensable element in guaranteeing on-time deliveries. It’s also indispensable in thinking long term and becoming part of a green supply chain that contributes to sustainability in order to ensure a better future.


We are the first to bring to market a new food packaging product that provides an advantage not only because of its unique qualities but, more importantly, because of the marketing opportunities we are able to provide through personalized graphics.

For further information

We are at your disposition for whatever questions you might have. don’t heasitate to write to us.

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    Working together
    for the future of food packaging
    and of the environment

    Want to learn more about our products? Write us at [email protected]

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