practical, secure, unique

Food preparation should be your main focus. Our main focus is to be by your side, giving you the tools to streamline your restaurant packaging operations and to ensure that your food arrives to your clients showcasing the quality of the work that you put into it.


Our products are not only functional and affordable, but also fast and compact. They are able to reduce the space and time necessary to prepare packages, allowing more time for food production.


We allow those who work with food and beverages to serve their products in a packaging with zero environmental impact. Products that are 100% biodegradable and, thanks to EcoDu’s technology, won’t alter the smell or taste of your food!


With EcoDu, you can change the way you offer your products thanks to our innovative solutions that simplify the transportation and consumption of a takeaway meal, and our personalized products that allow you to truly enter into your client’s homes through personalized interactions and publicity.

For further information

We are at your disposition for whatever questions you might have. don’t heasitate to write to us.

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    Working together
    for the future of food packaging
    and of the environment

    Want to learn more about our products? Write us at [email protected]

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